
We used Michael Rodrigues’s professional services for our ID attestations. We found him to be absolutely efficient, friendly, professional, knowledgeable on all current happenings around the world, extremely intelligent and smart. Michael explains everything in finer detail so we can understand thoroughly. He is extremely friendly nd polite and courteous as well. We were so impressed with his professionalism and friendliness that we would keep him on our contact lists for any future legal assistance. We have no hesitation what so ever to recommend Michael to our friends and families as he is extremely efficient and courteous. Michael made our experience with him and My Legal Crunch a memorable one and we thank him sincerely for that. very rarely one would meet someone with Michael’s calibre and values in the legal area and we are so glad we met Michael. We wish him and My legal Crunch the very best of everything.

Signed: S&S Ramineni
