
Employment Law

Employment Law General Overview

Our experienced employment lawyers are willing to tackle the most complex employment cases on your behalf

Employment Law is a set of laws that govern the rights, duties, and responsibilities that employers and employees have in a working relationship. We all have rights, duties, and responsibilities whether we are an employer or an employee. Our skilled Employment Lawyers can help you to understand your position, draft documents on your behalf, negotiate on your behalf, or help you enforce your rights.

If you are experiencing any of the following, My Legal Crunch has employment lawyers that can assist you:

  • Are an employee and need legal assistance
  • Are an employer and need legal assistance
  • Are having a workplace dispute
  • Need employment contracts drafted
  • Need legal advice about workplace entitlements
  • Need legal advice about redundancy
  • Need legal advice about dismissal or unfair dismissal
  • Need legal advice about adverse action
  • Need legal advice about workplace discrimination and/or harassment

Most Australian workers are protected by the Fair Work Act, which provides for a range of workplace entitlements and standards. The Fair Work Act creates lawful rights, duties, and responsibilities. In addition, there are other rights duties, and responsibilities imposed by general law and State/Territory laws.

Some employees may be covered by State or Territory laws. This is usually the case where an employee works for a State or Territory Government.

​Employment Relationships

Often the first issue that needs to be addressed is whether an employer/employee relationship exists. Usually, this is straightforward because of a written or verbal employment contract and the type of relationship. Some relationships such as an employer and contractor may or may not have an employer/employee relationship. This depends on the facts and circumstances. In some cases where parties did not intend to have an employer/employee relationship, the law may force the relationship on the parties. If you are unclear on whether you have an employer/employee relationship contact us.

Contact Us for a Free Case Evaluation

If you feel that you are a victim, it’s important to take steps to protect your reputation. To schedule a free case evaluation, complete the form or contact us via chat or phone at 0485 872 417.
